Fee Schedule



Plus $2.00 per $1,000.00 of Building Cost



Plus $2.00 per $1,000.00 of Sign Cost


Administrative/Issuance Fee (each driveway)1, 2 $25.00

  1. The administrative/issuance fee does not include inspection fees charged by the Township Engineer. If the Township determines an inspection of the driveway construction is necessary, the applicant will be billed for all inspection costs, including travel expenses.
  2. The administrative/issuance fee does not include engineering review fees charged by the Township Engineer. If the Township determines an engineering review of the proposed driveway permit application is necessary, the applicant will be billed for all engineering review costs.


(see Resolution No. 2015-11)


  1. Per Day – $10.00
  2. One Week or Fraction Thereof – $15.00
  3. One Month or Fraction Thereof – $30.00
  4. One Year or Fraction Thereof – $100.00


  1. In-House Occupation Permit – $100.00
  2. Re-Zoning (Per Lot) by Supervisors – $600.00
  3. Re-Zoning to Commercial – $5,000.00
  4. Zoning Hearing Appeal – $600.00
  5. Zoning Book and Map – $25.00
  6. Zoning Book and Map (Mailed) – $30.00
  7. Appeals Board Petition (Building Code) – $1,000.00


    1. Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Book – $25.00
    2. Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Book (mailed) – $30.00
    3. Minor Subdivision Plan (not involving new lots)*
      • Application Fee – $200.00
      • Deposit Amount – $400.00
    4. Sketch Plan
      • Application Fee – $100.00
      • Deposit Amount – $500.00
    5. Minor and Major Residential Subdivision and/or Land Development Plan with New Lots/Units
      • Preliminary Plan Application Fee – $250 + $10/lot or unit
      • Final Plan Application Fee – $250 + $10/lot or unit
      • Preliminary/Final Plan Application Fee – $500 + $20/lot or unit
      • Deposit Amount (click  for details)
    6. Non-Residential Subdivision Plan (does not include development on individual lots)
      • Preliminary Plan Application Fee – $1,000 + $10/lot
      • Final Plan Application Fee – $1,000 + $10/lot
      • Preliminary/Final Plan Application Fee – $2,000 + $20/lot
      • Preliminary Plan Deposit Amount – $2,000 + $100/lot
      • Final Plan Deposit Amount – $1,000 + $50/lot
    7. Non-Residential Land Development Plans (Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, etc.)
      • Preliminary Plan Application Fee – $500 + $10/acre
      • Final Plan Application Fee – $500 + $10/acre
      • Preliminary/Final Plan Application Fee – $1,000 + $20/acre
      • Deposit Amount (click for details)
    8. The application fees noted above are non-reimbursable. These fees shall be used to reimburse the Township for its administrative expenses in connection with the processing of the application, including, but not limited to, receiving plans; administrative reviews; time extension monitoring and processing; verbal and written communications with Township consultants, applicants and applicant’s representatives; scheduling of actions; administering waivers from Ordinance requirements; transmittal and storage of plans and reports; postage and other similar expenses.
    9. The deposit amount noted above shall be used to reimburse the Township for all engineering and legal fees incurred in the review of the plan, preparation and recording of any appropriate deeds or documents, and any other expenses which the Township incurs processing the application. The Township is irrevocably authorized to withdraw from time to time any funds deposited by the applicant in order to pay expenses and fees incurred by the Township. If, at any point, the deposit balance is depleted to less than one-half of the original amount deposited by the applicant as a result of withdrawals as herein provided, then the Township may bill the applicant for an amount sufficient to restore the deposit balance to the original amount. If the deposit balance is insufficient to pay the Township’s costs, the Township shall bill the applicant for such costs. No further review, administration or action on a plan shall occur until such bill is paid by the applicant.
    10. Where a non-residential subdivision includes the development of individual lots, the applicant shall pay the application fees and deposit amounts for the Subdivision Plan established in Paragraph 6 and the deposit amounts for the non-residential Land Development Plan established in Paragraph 7. In this scenario, the application fees for non-residential Land Development Plans established in Paragraph 7 do not apply.
    11. Lebanon County review fees are not included in the above schedule. Applicant shall pay County review fees directly to the Lebanon County Planning Department.
    12. Any costs or fees relating to the recording of plans and/or deeds of dedication with the Lebanon County Recorder of Deeds shall be paid by the Applicant.
    13. All fees and deposits shall be paid at the time of application. Plan applications will not be accepted without fees and deposits.
    14. Where applicable, two checks are required for each submission of plans, one for the application fee and the other for the deposit amount.
    15. Fees that remain in the deposit account upon approval and recording of the plan shall be refunded to the applicant.
    16. All bills for outstanding administrative, legal and engineering review fees shall be paid by the applicant before the plan is recorded.
    17. The landowner and/or developer shall be billed by the Township for all required inspections conducted by the Township Engineer in accordance with the Township Engineer’s rate schedule.
    18. The landowner and/or developer shall be billed by the Township for all legal fees incurred following plan approval in accordance with the Township Solicitor’s rate schedule.
    19. All bills for outstanding administrative, legal, engineering and inspection fees shall be paid by the landowner and/or developer prior to the final release of financial security and/or dedication of public improvements.

* Includes lot add-ons, annexations, land exchanges, etc.


  1. Bounced Check Fee – $40.00
  2. Photocopies – $0.25
  3. Comprehensive Plan Book – $100.00
  4. Fireworks Permit – $25.00